Therapy Intensives- Accelerated Resolution Therapy

We are so excited to now offer Intensives for ART.

We believe that one size does not fit all and see the benefits from some clients wanting longer therapy sessions to get quicker relief. Maybe you have been doing weekly therapy for years and you want a quicker result. Maybe you just want fast relief and you don’t want to have to schedule weekly therapy appointments.

We have a solution for YOU!

Now more than ever, we need flexibility in how we HEAL. Therapy intensives are personalized treatment plans that allow you to change the one time a week appointments to you faster access to treatment with a longer session.

These sessions serve multiple purposes including determining if an intensive is a good fit for you as well as setting intentions and specific goals for the EMDR or ART intensive. This creates an opportunity for a customized experience during your intensive that is targeted towards your specific intentions and goals.

An example may be “I want to heal my childhood trauma”. After establishing that intention, we would specifically look at traumatic memories and negative core beliefs that are blocking you from attaining that specific goal and process those memories during your intensive.

Intensives offer longer sessions (3-6 hours) to get more work done faster. Traditional weekly sessions require time to get started with a therapist and you might have a busy schedule and want to have quicker sessions.

Hear what clients have to say

Therapy Intensives- Accelerated Resolution Therapy

  • ART Intensive 3 hours

    This will include a workbook, break time and one 90 minute ART protocol and processing time. $600

    We do not accept insurance. Insurance will also not accept superbills for intensives.

  • ART Intensive 4 hours

    4 hours (one or two days same week) $750

    This will include workbook, break time, 90 minutes -120 of ART protocol (on same issue) or two separate (difference issues)

    We do not accept insurance. Insurance will also not accept super bills for intensives.

  • ART INtensive 6 hours

    6 hours (one day or two days with breaks) $1200

    This will include workbook, break time, TWO 90 minutes-120 of ART protocol on two different issues.

    We do not accept insurance. Insurance will also not accept super bills for intensives.

What does an ART Intensive Consist oF?

Intensive Workbook and Wellness Kit

The personalized workbook includes assessments and activities to prepare for the Intensive. The workbook allows you to keep a record of progress on your treatment goals before, during, and after our sessions. You’ll also receive a wellness kit filled with our favorite wellness tools that are designed to support you on your healing journey.

Pre-Intensive Interview (Intake)

A 90-minute session to determine the goals of the Therapy Intensive and prepare for the experience. We’ll identify the painful memories, triggers, emotions, or images from which you are seeking relief. We will also spend time during this to focus on coping skills and regulating any nerves.

Custom-Designed Therapy Intensive

Your therapy Intensive sessions take place at our St. Pete office and scheduled depending on your needs. We can complete these intensives in 3 hours, 4 hours or 6 hours and can be split into 1 day or 2 days. The therapist will use a blend of Somatic Experiencing, and Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) to help you find relief.

  • “ART intensives helped me develop some real-time coping skills and introduced me to the benefits of ART. Through that work, I’ve been able to drastically reduce my stress levels, gain a better understanding of myself and my triggers, and generally live life in a healthy way.”

    ART Client

  • “At age 74, I am still haunted by Childhood abuse and it's affect on my ability to form healthy adult relationships. Recently, Accelerated Resolution Therapy has made it possible to end the extreme impact of a Childhood and an Adult Trauma Memory. I think to understand how the Therapy works, I would need to have a lot more knowledge of the human brain. But I am grateful and feeling well and at least presently not binge eating. I am diabetic so this is important.”


  • I decided to get ART trained because the pandemic exhausted me. I needed another tool in addition to EMDR to help me handle compassion fatigue. And it did. ART not only helps quickly process upsetting or traumatic situations, but from my clinician perspective, I can also use ART when the presenting problem is vague or the client has very little content or narrative about what they are needing. My spouse never tires of hearing me sigh with relief after a day of work and I boast about how ART got me through a tough situation or just made me feel super fulfilled.