Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART)

One of the special aspects of ART is that when clients replace their negative images with positive ones they don’t need to talk to the therapist about any details of the trauma. This is because ART is procedural, though creative; and the client is really in control of the process, while the ART Therapist is a helpful guide. This makes the therapy easier on the client and easier on the therapist.

ART can effectively treat:

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Phobias

  • Panic Attacks

  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

  • Addictions/ Substance Abuse

  • Performance Anxiety

  • Family Issues

  • Victimization/Poor Self Image

  • Victimization/Sexual Abuse

  • Relationship Issues/Infidelity

  • Codependency

  • Grief

  • Job-Related Stress

  • Pain Management

What does ART therapy involve?

Each ART session typically includes recalling the distressing event, guided rapid eye movements, image replacement techniques, active therapist guidance, and a feedback period. ART treatment can show benefits in as few as 1-5 sessions (plus regular reassessments and possible out-of-session assignments).

What people say about ART

  • “I had an extremely traumatic experience and for the 10 years that followed, it loomed over me like a dark cloud. When a friend told me about this therapy I thought it sounded too good to be true. To my surprise, it was brief and painless. I have my life back! My only regret is that I waited so long.”

    ~ ART Client

  • “My childhood wasn’t the best. I knew it affected my self-esteem and my ability to trust people. My ART session has helped me realize that it’s over and done and doesn’t have to effect the rest of my life. I can move on and look forward to the future.”

    ~ ART Client

  • IAt age 74, I am still haunted by Childhood abuse and it's affect on my ability to form healthy adult relationships. Recently, Accelerated Resolution Therapy has made it possible to end the extreme impact of a Childhood and an Adult Trauma Memory. I think to understand how the Therapy works, I would need to have a lot more knowledge of the human brain. But I am grateful and feeling well and at least presently not binge eating. I am diabetic so this is important. Thank you, Carol T.

    ~ART Client

Learn more about ART